Hi! I go by the name K-chan online and I'm in my late twenties, basically an almost-thirty professional musician from someplace in Asia.
I enjoy a wide variety of things and consume a lot of art! I love music, games, anime, dramas, movies, crafts, languages, web & graphics designing, cute stuff, animals, baking, and a whole bunch of random stuff!
Aside from games, I also play other things...like my instrument, which is the guitar! I also play a little bit of piano. I love learning and creating, hence maybe why all the things I love are basically activities that produce something! I make music with my guitar, I love doing crafts like crocheting, and I love designing websites! Most of these skills were gained through self-study when I was young, so I can't say I do it perfectly, but I do DO it happily!...
I was home-schooled for a period of time until I entered university, so as a child, I mostly spent my time online, where I discovered a lot of things and met a lot of online friends. Growing up and living online, I consumed a lot of Japanese stuff so I am heavily influenced by their culture. I also stumbled upon Korean pop culture mainly because of BoA promoting in Japan around the time I was very addicted and updated about Japanese media (that was in late 2000s, around 2006-2010), so I also enjoy and consume Korean art like their music and dramas. Although it wasn't intentional, through watching (probably) millions of Japanese things, I slowly started to learn conversational Nihongo, of course not perfectly. I haven't upgraded my language skills yet as I haven't formally studied, and if anything, I probaly must have forgotten a lot of things because it's been a long time since I really watched anything Japanese apart from anime, but I've been eager to learn recently!
The reason why I wasn't able to enjoy all these things from my childhood in my later years, was because of university. When I entered college, I got really busy building my skills in music and it was really tough! I also met real-life friends (lol) who don't exactly relate to most of the things I enjoy, so I couldn't really share it to them. Of course we still enjoyed things together like music, guitar, and a few anime, but apart from that, I don't think anyone understood my hardcore love for anything Japanese and the 2000s WWW culture since it was pretty rare to get hooked on those things back then as not everybody (at least in my country) had constant access to the internet (unlike today) and also maybe because the environment in their previous schools were different so different things were trendy to them (again, I was home-schooled so I don't know). As I was preoccupied with my course and career path, it became inevitable to spend less time online and more on uni. It then also became natural for me to drift away from all the hobbies and interests I fancied as a child because I had no one to share it with as I was mostly surrounded by my friends from uni who lived different lives from my online world. Similarly, most of my online friends experienced the same thing as they also had to "adult" and spend less time online. I still enjoyed my hobbies from time to time on my own though but that was that.
Now that I have graduated and slightly settled with my career, I think I am finally able to manage my time better -- that is I am able to commit time again for things I loved as a child! That includes web and graphics designing, hence why I built this small space on the net where I would be sharing things I love, reliving my memories!
K-chan's Korner is simply my creative outlet which I published online on March 2022. The theme and mostly all content (unless otherwise stated in the resources credits) were made by me, so please: NO STEALING! :D
Resources used:
Javascript: W3schools and GeeksforGeeks
Fonts: Google Fonts and Font Library
Music: Spotify
Guestbook: HTML Comment Box
Made with Photopea and Notepad++. Hosted by Neocities.
For the history, please take a look at my very first post.
Pixel Pastel Theme Ver 1.1 - March 16, 2022
Pixel Pastel Theme Ver 1.0 - March 13, 2022